Brief field trip guidebook about slope instabilities in the Rhone valley and the Vispa valley between Lausanne and Zermatt (Switzerland)
(For quotation use: Jaboyedoff, M. (2003): Brief field trip guidebook about slope instabilities in the Rhone Valley and the Vispa valley between Lausanne and Zermatt (Switzerland). Quanterra guide book – 01,
The purpose of this field guide is to present some slope hazards along the Rhône Valley and its tributaries, giving information either for scientifics people or to the tourists who are interested in slope processes. Living with natural hazards and related risks is an education. Domesticating and understanding processes are key points of a risk assessment strategy.
A short presentation of each site is given. Some references and web addresses are indicated.
General references:
Inventory of mass movements in Switzerland (In French; Infoslide-CH)
Eisbacher G.H. & Clague J.J. (1984): Destructive mass movements in high mountains: hazard and management – Geol Soc. of Canada, Paper 84-16, 230 p.
Montandon, F. (1933): Chronologie des grands éboulements alpins, du début de l’ère chrétienne à nos jours. Société de Géographie Genève, Matériaux pour l’étude des calamites, 32, 271-340.