The program CONEFALL is designed to estimate roughly the potential rock falls prone area.Theory related to this program can be found in many different articles (Evans and Hungr, 1993, Toppe, 1984). The basics are described in an article: CONEFALL: CONEFALL: a program for the quick preliminary estimation of the rock-fall potential of propagation zones (Jaboyedoff [...]
A pseudo-3D topographic analysis computer program. This software COLTOP-3D can be used to analyze the structures, especially faults, shaping the morphology.Maps as well as stereonets displaying colors depending on the orientation will be implemented. Histograms of topographic surface are planned. The design of tools useful to analyze topography in a structural way is planned. Faults [...]
The program MATTEROCKING 2.0 is designed to estimate the average number of discontinuities on digitized topographic relief. This software is used for potential rock slope instabilities detection.Theory can be found elsewhere in articles (Jaboyedoff et al., 1996; Rouiller et al., 1997; Jaboyedoff et al., 1999, Baillifard et al., 2001). Using digital elevation model (DTM), the [...]
MatterCliff is an interactive and simple to use tool for the characterization of discontinuities and the analysis of rock slopes stability. This software aims at the implementation of various geotechnical, statistical and probabistic methods in a multiple-document application comprising five major parts :the statistical study of spatial distribution of discontinuity family using spacing histograms and [...]
Software to estimate the smectite content and number of consecutive illite layers in mixed-layer illite-smectite using illite crystallinity data.Illite crystallinity is an efficient low-grade metamorphic indicator, the value of which depends on several factors. Program NEWMOD allows one to evaluate the dependence of IC for air-dried and ethylene-glycol treated samples on the mean thickness (number [...]