Project Description
The program MATTEROCKING 2.0 is designed to estimate the average number of discontinuities on digitized topographic relief. This software is used for potential rock slope instabilities detection.
Theory can be found elsewhere in articles (Jaboyedoff et al., 1996; Rouiller et al., 1997; Jaboyedoff et al., 1999, Baillifard et al., 2001).
Using digital elevation model (DTM), the program Matterocking permits to compare structural data with topographic surface orientation in order to estimate the average number of discontinuities intersecting a topographic relief. Locations where rock-instabilities can occur by discontinuities or wedges that allow sliding can be spotted. Different functions are implemented such as estimates of potential sliding areas, surface number, and linear number of discontinuities within cell of the DTM.
Matterocking is designed to calculate and not to generate graphic outputs. Nevertheless, some visualization utilities exist to have a quick view of the results. The file format are chosen in order to be used in to standard visualization program: Surfer Golden software© and ArcView ESRI©.
Written by Quanterra as subcontractor for the CREALP. Illustration image from Unil.